Monday 4 February 2008

Stress: Motivates what happiness doesn't.

It has now been over a week since I typed anything in here, despite several impulses which I shall now try and catch up on.

There are two, interconnected, reasons for this: I have spent much less time in front of a computer this past week, and I have been annoyed far less. As a history of rants, grumbles, complaints and abusive tracts of steam-of-consciousness insult on these pages demonstrate, I generally add an entry when something has riled me up.

The connecting factor between those two factors is that just over a week ago, on the Friday I made my last entry, I resigned from my job. It was highly unexpected, and related to factor two: Stress. I had, finally, had enough, and after many discussions with my manager about work output and responsibilities, I declared that I would no longer be trying to make that department run under those conditions.

I have, over the course of this blog, done my best to keep my employer secret, making only references to the field in which I work. I'm glad of that, for I still wish them well and will be watching (from a distance) with interest, because they are going to do well, and do well, if you see my double meaning.

But I am now ungainfully unemployed, and seeking to change that. Again. Oh well. Anyone know where I can get a well-paid job as a gadget critic?

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